





housing apartment complex right behind two nice subdivisions. One right in the middle of our church plant area. Renew Church was still gathering people before launching worship, but knew God was calling us to build disciples who would make a difference in the community. A church God would use to change Fort Myers. I knew God had led us to where we needed to serve. Horizons is part of the Housing Authority of Fort Myers. They purchased this apart-

Bringing Gospel Hope to Our Community O

Rev. Steve Reynolds Renew Church, Fort Myers, FL

n January 31, 2013 I picked up the paper and read about Brianna Addison, a two-year-old girl who had died after being brutally beaten by her mother’s live- in boyfriend, who was a suspected drug dealer. This happened in a government

ment complex in a nice area of Fort Myers and converted it to low-income subsidized housing. Neither Rachel nor I had ministered in this type of community. In fact, no one in our core group had. We began to make connections with the property manager, as well as the Community Director of Client Services for the Housing Authority in Fort Myers. Progress was very slow in having the community allow us to serve them. We attended Resident’s Council Meetings, helped provide Christmas gifts for the children, provided material and support for community gatherings, and looked for places to serve. How- ever, it was not until one member of the board who had been a supporter died and we attended her funeral that connections were solidified and we were given permission to make steps in serving. We began with the children. Many of the children come home after school and simply

wander around the complex. God opened a door for us to begin a Kid’s Club, which met bi-weekly until 2017 and then met every week. During our meeting time the children receive a snack, participate in a hands-on Bible lesson (much like Children’s Church) and play games. The goal is to see children confronted with the love of Jesus and place their faith in Him. At first, we had only about 3 children coming. That number grew (pre- COVID-19) to the mid-teens. We have seen children come and go, as families move in and out, but we see the impact of the teaching of the Gospel in these young lives. Shortly after we began Kid’s Club, an opportunity opened for us to help create

healthy community by hosting a monthly outdoor movie night on Friday evening. On movie night we play a recently released on DVD kid’s movie, projecting it onto a 12-foot screen. We have a cooler set up with waters and Capri Suns, as well as a table where we offer popcorn and sno-cones at no cost. The connections this built within the community were amazing. Out of our community connections, we have seen a women’s Bible study begin, where

three people came to faith in Christ and were baptized. This study has since ended and one of the three ladies has completely turned back to her previous lifestyle and another is in the final stages of a battle with cancer – reminding us of the urgency of the work. COVID-19 has seriously affected our ability to serve at Horizons. Kid’s Club could

not meet until mid-July and has seen reduced numbers since resuming. We have yet to resume movie night or planned Bible studies. We are waiting Housing Authority ap- proval to resume those. We have made a commitment here – one God has called us to make. So, we are in Horizons for the long-haul and are confident God will effect change there that will honor Him. Horizons is a community of very broken people. I recognize that all of us are broken

and need the forgiveness of Jesus. However, this is a community where the majority have experienced the depths of human brokenness, such as being raised by parents who are absent, abuse, drug use, and a culture of entitlement. Today we hear rhetoric that “it takes a village” to raise a child. Although this comes from very secular voices, it echoes the heart of covenant theology. God has convinced us that it takes a church to change that village and build a culture of hope. As we plant the seed of the Gospel in lives at Horizons we are confident God will bring that harvest!?

Helping You Reach Your Community 14 The Associate Reformed Presbyterian

Outreach North America

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