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FOCUS | ISSUE 3 | 2010

Greater Kansas City

Progress Into Your Future: Outreach

to UMKC School of Dentistry students Greater Kansas City Dental Society hosts event to show dental students organized dentistry cares about their future; is ready, willing to help them achieve success

On March 11, the Greater Kansas City Dental So- ciety hosted its fi rst “Progress Into Your Future” event, a new outreach program to show UMKC dental students that organized dentistry cares about their future … and is ready and willing to help them achieve success.

The event is the product of a resolution passed from the 2009 MDA House of Delegates which provides $2,000 to underwrite an outreach eff ort to UMKC third and fourth year dental students. Greater Kansas City (GKC) submitted the resolution and off ered its staff and members to organize the event.

“Our hope is that the earlier the students see the value of ADA—through its state associations and components—the more likely they will become part of [the tripartite] and stay actively engaged throughout their careers,” said Dr. Prabu Raman, a Kansas City general practitioner who helped organize the event along with other committee members Drs. Kelly Suchman and Jack Huddart, both GKC board members, and Samantha Faimon, GKC executive director.

The committee’s vision is to have two events per year, open to 20 students. The format is to select three offi ces for each event that will host part of a progressive dinner: appetizers, entree and dessert. At each offi ce there will be a short presentation by the host dentist on a subject especially relevant to soon-to-be grads, such as practice philosophy, the business side of dentistry and associating with an established practice. Each event also provides time for Q&A, an offi ce tour and possible mentor connections. All transportation arrangements are made for the students so that they can arrive as a group to each location.

For this fi rst event offi ces visited and speakers included: Dr. Prabu Raman’s fee-for-service gen- eral practice that primarily treats TMD patients referred from physicians and dentists; Dr. Jack Huddart’s practice which is a solo fee-for-service general practice; and, Seaport Dentistry, a gen- eral practice where Dr. Sarah Cimino hosted. She is one of the practice’s three dentists, which has 25 staff members and 18 treatment rooms.

“We were really pleased to have all spots fi lled for the fi rst event and were grateful to have the

collaboration of UMKC faculty,” said Dr. Raman. He noted appreciation that Dr. Marsha Pyle, UMKC School of Dentistry dean enthusiastically supported the program, and with the help of Dr. John Killip as the UMKC liaison and student leaders, information about the event was well disseminated. Dr. Raman also thanked the gracious support of the program’s three spon- sors: Missouri Dental Insurance Services (MDIS), Commerce Bank, and Bender, Weltman, Thomas, Perry Co, PC, a CPA fi rm special- izing in dentistry. Each sponsor gave a brief, non-commercial, informational presentation to help the students.

“We wanted students to realize that there are many practice models that may be successfully pursued in their careers,” said Dr. Raman. “Judging from the feedback from the par- ticipants, the fi rst event was a great success, and we are looking forward to incorporating ideas learned from it to make the next even better.”

The Committee plans to host another event during the Fall 2010 semester. To learn more, contact Samantha Faimon in the GKC offi ce at 816-737-5353. The following are student testimonials about their experience.

It was an awesome opportunity to talk to successful dentists about how they started and got to the point in their careers they are at right now. As I am weeks away from graduating, it was rewarding and very encouraging to speak with dentists about their careers. This opportunity has made me feel more prepared and very excited to transition into my future dental career. – Courtney Beussink

On the cusp of graduation and with boards four weeks away, it was great to see diff erent practice styles and gain advice from positive successful practitioners. I left the experience with several pearls of wisdom that I feel certain will help me in the future. Light at the end of the tunnel exists! – Peter McClellan

(Top to bottom) From left, clockwise: Douglas Kummar, Danny Rome, Alan McDavid and Joseph Barnhart enjoy Mexican food at the ‘progressive dinner’ style event. Douglas Kummar, Courtney Beussink, Christina Huynh, Tricia Thomas and Danielle Riordan were part of the 20 students attending the event. A chartered bus provided ease of transportation to the different locations so students like Tony Bai could ask questions and tour offi ces.

Thank you all very much for providing this opportunity for us. It was VERY helpful to see things from the perspective of a practicing dentist. I am glad three dentists with diff erent situations were considered for the tour. This allowed us to see the good and bad of each situ- ation. Thank you very much and I will defi nitely spread the word! – Joseph Barnhart


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