





uncomfortable. Often dentists believe that if they add a shiny new dental chair or a coffee maker in the lobby that they have spiced up their brand and redefined their marketing. But our brand and marketing need to run much deeper than this. Your brand will start with why patients consider your practice to be special and unique. You will then identify and create a unique patient experience that will blow them away.

Many dentists have probably operated their practices for years without giving brand build- ing much or any thought. Can you explain why taking a fresh look at things might be valuable to both their profitability and their happiness in their careers?

Remember the goal of great marketing that lasts for decades: we want to create rav- ing fans. The problem we face during this process is that often we fall back into the habit of marketing and building our brand around only what we understand (which is clinical dentistry), and we copy what all other dentists have done. Again, think about it … just about every dental website you visit looks like this: big tooth logo, a generic name like “Bright Smile Dental”, a stock photo of a couple smiling and then a block text stating that they are a family, cosmetic, restorative, root canal or extraction dentist. They list every dental word under the sun because they think that is what patients understand and care about. Stop doing this! No more obvious tag lines like “gentle dentist” or “we care”—those are things patients expect. Don’t think for a second that because you say things like this patients are going to believe you. The consumer has become far too smart and desensitized to be fooled by cheap and easy claims. When you use these statements it makes you appear to be just that: cheap, generic, and easy (and I don’t mean that appealingly). The goal is to set your practice apart from the herd. Be flexible, adaptable and constantly thinking of ways to attract more of the patients you love.

Before a re-branding effort is undertaken, it seems like the doctor would need to be clear as to the direction they wished to take the practice. What questions should they be asking themselves as they start this process?

Questions all practice owners should ask

themselves to understand their patient base better and to fine tune their brands include:

• Who are your ideal patients? • Where are they/what do they do? • What do they want/what do they value? • What type of product/culture/message do they identify with?

The answers to these questions are impor- tant. You need to align the type of practice and dentistry you love with your ideal pa- tient. Success starts with putting yourself in the right location (in proximity to your ideal patients), and then building your practice around them. One secret to brand building is this: you need to develop your practice around your ideal patient, not yourself. Your decor, systems and culture should mirror the values and character of the patients you wish to attract.

Although you work primarily with younger dentists who are just beginning their careers, what piece of advice would you like to share that you feel would help most dentists?

I’ve posted all of my marketing and branding guides on my website, and they are free for

download. Follow those proven steps and you will begin seeing more patients of your choosing and generate increased revenues as a result. f

Practice Perspectives is contributed by Dr. David Thein, a periodontist and associate clinical professor at UMKC School of Dentistry. He is the course director for the practice management curriculum and advises students/residents and recent grads in professional career development. In each column, Dr. Thein provides

an interview with industry experts on a variety of topics. He especially invites your feedback and suggestions for future columns at 816-835-7480 or

Dr. Cole Brenny practices general dentistry at the Ivory Dental Group in Minneapolis. He did post-grad training at the Minneapolis VA hospital and is a graduate of the Misch Implant Institute. His free brand-building tools can be found on his website, Dr. Brenny launched this site so that

he could live out his passion for coaching young dentists to master private practice dentistry, learn the business of dentistry, and build/operate practices that they love. He can be reached at

At MDIS, our policies are tailored specifically for dental practices. ARE NOT ALL ALIKE. Business Owners Policies

Honest Answers. Practical Solutions. Personal Service. Contact MDIS to learn about business owner policies. 800-944-7550 or

ISSUE 3 | MAY/JUN 2020 | focus 25

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