





pring Has (AhChoo) prung by Amanda Cvengro, Tuskegee University CVM, Class of 2020

Now that spring is officially here, I’ve been hearing a lot of people talk about how terrible their allergies are

getting, with sinus headaches, sneezing, congestion, the whole nine yards. Not only is it rough on us, but our fur- ry friends too! A lot of pets suffer from seasonal allergies. Teir symptoms range from licking, scratching, biting, sneezing and runny nose, to red, goopy eyes. Animals are susceptible to the same airborne allergens we are, such as pollen, trees, grasses and mold, and also insects.

Te number one symptom I seem to run into with pets and allergies is their itchy skin. It can be localized or wide- ly spread across their bodies. Tey chew and lick them- selves to the point where they can develop sores, recurrent skin infections or hair loss. A really common skin infec- tion that we see all of the time in the clinic are hot spots. Tese are localized skin infections that develop typically due to irritation and inflammation from a dog chewing or compulsively licking at their itchy skin. Tis promotes bacteria to multiply in an open, wet wound causing pus- tules, papules, redness, and an overall nasty infection. Be sure to get this checked out by a veterinarian to learn how to properly clean and treat these spots.

Another common allergic response in dogs and cats are ear infections. Tese can seem minor at first but wors- en when the weather warms up. If you notice your pet scratching and shaking their ears more often, take a peek inside to try and prevent secondary bacterial/yeast infec- tions. Tese tend to have a foul odor from the buildup of bacteria/yeast. Also check in between folds of skin for similar infections.

Food allergies and environ- mental allergies can cause similar signs, such as hair loss, skin infections, ear infections, vomiting, diarrhea, and also hot spots. Many dogs can be allergic to chicken, dairy, beef, eggs, corn, soy, and wheat. As crazy as it sounds, it shouldn’t be ruled out of the equation and it’s always good to be aware of what kind of diet your pet is on.

An allergy can stem from a seasonal flare-up or other re- sponses to flea bites, dust mites, dander, or ingredients in food just like many of us. Be sure to watch for repetitive patterns in your pet after you feed them, bathe them, or let them play outside. If you start to notice any of these signs, talk to your veterinarian about what you can do to manage them so that it doesn’t get worse.

Management plays a critical role since allergies cannot be easily cured. Remember, your pet can be allergic to one or more things. Tese things might be easily managed by removal from the environment, over the counter antihis- tamines, bathing once or twice a week and using supple- ments or even topical products. If the allergies have be- come severe enough it could lead to using prescription shampoos, steroids, antibiotics, or powerful immunosup- pressive drugs. Make sure your pet is on a good flea and tick control product as well! Please, always remember to consult with your veterinarian before giving your pet any over the counter medication or supplement. 

KVMA Executive Board Meeting Minutes (cont.)

• Motion to approve $2500 for KY Agriculture and Environment in the Classroom sponsorship, second and passed unanimously

• Board meeting dates set as 2/20/18, 5/15/18, 8/7/18, during the Mid-America Veterinary Conference, 9/27- 9/28/18, and retreat 11/9-11-10/18

• Motion to adjourn, second, Adjourned at 11:45 AM CST

Respectfully submitted by Andy Roberts, DVM KVMA Secretary/Treasurer 

12 KVMA News

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